Elon Musk says Bitcoin may have already hit his benchmark on renewable energy

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“I want to do a little more diligence to confirm that the percentage of renewable energy usage is most likely at or above 50% and that there is a trend towards increasing that number,” said the Tesla CEO.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has hinted the crypto industry is on its way towards a greener future, but the car manufacturer won’t be accepting Bitcoin payments just yet.Speaking at The ₿ Word, a virtual Bitcoin (BTC) event with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Ark Invest’s Cathie Wood and moderator Steve Lee from Square Crypto, Musk said that Tesla would “most likely” consider resuming crypto payments for its vehicles — a policy the CEO said the company would be stopping in May — but said he needed to exercise diligence before making a decision.“There appears to be a positive trend in the energy usage of Bitcoin,” said Musk, alsexpressing skepticism at the speed at which the network had moved towards green energy sources.

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Źródło: https://cointelegraph.com/news/elon-musk-says-bitcoin-may-have-already-hit-his-benchmark-on-renewable-energy

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