Worst UK bank for dealing with scams issues crypto scam alert

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NatWest issued a crypto scam warning to mobile banking users after reportedly receiving a record number of complaints in Q1.
The U.K bank with the worst record for dealing with scam complaints has issued a cryptocurrency scam alert. NatWest, which was rated as the worst U.K bank for accurately discerning legitimate fraud complaints in 2020, sent the warning to users of its mobile banking app after it reportedly received a record number of scam reports between January and March 2021. The warning made particular note of one type of scam which involves hackers installing remote access software on a victim’s computer or hardware. The trick usually sees criminals winning a victim’s trust online, either by posing as an experienced trader, or pretending to be a celebrity, according to reports. The victim is then persuaded to install a cryptocurrency wallet and is urged to invest. After a certain amount of crypto is sent to the

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Źródło: https://cointelegraph.com/news/worst-uk-bank-for-dealing-with-scams-issues-crypto-scam-alert

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