Why hardware wallets might not offer as much protection as you think, explained

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Hardware wallet brands have been built on the promise of security — but in some cases, these devices aren’t as air gapped as you might think.
Are there use cases beyond crypto?The issues facing hardware wallets are not exclusive to the crypto sector by any means.Across multiple sectors around the world, there are a number of industries that have critical systems. They face the same challenge: Remaining up to date and fortified against attacks from the people who are trying to infiltrate.Every government runs critical systems — alongside the military, hospitals, space agencies, nuclear plants, airports, chemical plants, unmanned train networks, banks and stock brokers.The ramifications if these critical systems are compromised can be severe. Lives can be put at risk if key systems within a hospital are at risk, or if hackers successfully manage to target air traffic control at a major transport hub. In an increasingly d

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Źródło: https://cointelegraph.com/explained/why-hardware-wallets-might-not-offer-as-much-protection-as-you-think-explained

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