What is Harmony (ONE) blockchain and why it is getting so much traction?

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Harmony (ONE) is a new blockchain network that is gaining traction as more developers and crypto investors become aware of its features.
Is Harmony ONE a good investment?Investing is a very personal endeavor. Do your own research and try to stay on top of any advances in the Harmony ecosystem that might help it grow.Although there is still much to be done, the Harmony project has been considered a solution to poor scaling and interoperability and a useful foundation for DApp developers to scale their apps and transactions. Harmony aspires to be a top crypto network known for its speed and efficiency, and it’s well on its way to achieving that goal. The platform delivers on its promise of low gas and transaction costs.As with any other cryptocurrency or platform, ONE will appreciate as Harmony becomes more prevalent. Perhaps then, in addition to buying, selling and staking, we’ll see other use cases of Harmony ONE in the fut

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