We asked for your craziest crypto story. These are the winners

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The winners of a contest to find the craziest stories in crypto have been named — and they feature a Russian grandmother and a Counter-Strike tournament with a big BTC prize.
Last month, Tradelize and Cointelegraph teamed up for a contest to hear your craziest crypto stories — casting a spotlight on some of your biggest successes and fails.You didn’t disappoint… and selecting one winner was impossible. Because of this, we chose two — with the lucky raconteurs sharing a 5,000 USDT prize between them.The first tale came from Timofei, who received a $100 gift from his grandmother in Russia. He decided to invest it in cryptocurrency — all while he followed his dreams of becoming a director in film school.Timofei was able to use the profits he generated from the investment to fund the shooting of a film he was making for his course, with his grandmother serving as the main producer. His creation was a success — and

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Źródło: https://cointelegraph.com/news/we-asked-for-your-craziest-crypto-story-these-are-the-winners

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