VR Metaverse comes closer to reality as Meta previews haptic gloves

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Meta says the VR gloves rely on haptic rendering to send “precise instructions to the actuators on the hand,” and outlined a vision where people’s sensations match what they are doing in the Metaverse.
Meta — the company formerly known as Facebook — is diving straight into virtual reality with a preview of its latest research and development on haptic gloves which give sensory feedback while in digital realms. Facebook rebranded to Meta in late October to shift its focus from social media to Metaverse and VR tech development. In a Nov. 16 blog post, Meta shared the latest breakthroughs in haptic glove research from its VR tech firm Reality Labs, noting that the product has been seven years in the making. The firm shared a video that shows two people testing the haptic gloves in a demo Metaverse, as they clench their fists, pick up blocks, throw objects, shake hands, knock over dominoes, and play Jenga together. H

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