Volatility derivatives project Volmex Finance attracts backing from VC giants

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Volatility derivatives are coming to DeFi with backing from several VC giants.
A number of venture capital giants have completed a financing round for Ethereum-based volatility and derivatives protocol Volmex Finance.According to a March 17 announcement from Volmex Labs, the financing round was contributed to by several leading decentralized finance venture capital firms including Alameda Research, Three Arrows Capital, Robot Ventures, CMS Holdings, IOSG Ventures, D64 Ventures, and Fourth Revolution Capital in addition to a number of individual angel investors including BarnBridge’s Tyler Ward. The amount raised was undisclosed.4RCapital co-founder Keegan Selby posted on Twitter:“Extremely excited to back Volmex Finance as they introduce volatility indices, a core financial primitive of the quadrillion dollar global derivatives market, to Decentralized Finance.”The project, introduced in December 2020, aims to bring vo

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Źródło: https://cointelegraph.com/news/volatility-derivatives-project-volmex-finance-attracts-backing-from-vc-giants

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