Users panic after Coinbase mistakenly sends 2FA reset notices to customers

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Coinbase sent an email to 125,000 users mistakenly notifying them their two-factor authentication settings had been changed.
Customers of leading U.S. crypto exchange Coinbase have spent the weekend panicking after the exchange mistakenly sent emails to users stating their two-factor authentication (2FA) settings had been changed. On Aug. 27, Coinbase accidentally sent the email to 125,000 of its customers, resulting in widespread public backlash. Coinbase took to Twitter on Aug. 29 to apologize for the mishap, stating: “We’re laser-focused on building trust and security into the crypto community so that the open financial system we all want is a reality. We recognize that issues like this can hurt that trust.”I got the reply and panicked someone accessed my account or made withdrawals. Immediately logged in and reset my password after verifying nothing happened.— AJ ‍⚾️l‍ (@AgedMcNugget) August 29, 2021


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