Twitter, Discord to support Solana NFT gallery ‘embed’ with Audius Web 3.0

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New “embedded” functionality aims to improve fan engagement for musicians through NFT adoption and Web 3.0 integrations.
California-based music streaming platform Audius released a new function that allows artists and fans to embed nonfungible tokens (NFT) on various blogs and social media platforms such as Twitter and Discord.The “embedded” functionality aims to improve fan engagement for musicians through NFT adoption and Web 3.0 integrations. To enable the feature, artists need to connect their Audius accounts with Phantom wallet, a crypto wallet centered around the Solana ecosystem. Aiming to increase the discoverability of Solana NFTs, the company stated:“NFT holders can embed their collectibles from the two biggest blockchains on Twitter timelines, personal blogs, and websites. Thanks to this new feature, will further push collectibles into the mainstream.”Source: AudiusThe blockchain-based music streaming

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