Turkish Agency Opens Investigation Against Crypto Exchage Thodex Over Alleged $2B Fraud

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Thodex, a popular crypto exchange in Turkey is currently under investigation for alleged exit fraud after customers started complaining about not able to access their funds and later the website for the platform also went offline. The founder of the exchange Faruk Fatih Özer has reputedly fled the country on April 20 defrauding nearly $2 billion from over 391,000 customers on the platform. The founder has reportedly deactivated all his social media accounts as well.
The law enforcement agency has launched an official investigation into the fraud and raided the headquarters after hundreds of customers complained about missing funds and the official website being un inaccessible. The exchange reportedly halted trading on the platfrom on April 21 citing a foreign investment and claimed the platform would remain unavailable for 5 working days. The official statement from the exchange read,
“World-renowned banks and funding companies whose name we will reveal when the trade is complete h

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Źródło: https://coingape.com/turkish-agency-opens-investigation-against-crypto-exchage-thodex-over-alleged-2b-fraud/

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