Thiel’s Valar Ventures leads 3rd raise for Bitpanda, at $4.1B valuation

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Vienna-based Bitpanda’s valuation has shot up to $4.1 billion, three times its value during the crypto broker’s last private funding round in March.
Vienna-based cryptocurrency broker Bitpanda has closed its third major private financing round led by Peter Thiel’s Valar Ventures. Raising $263 million, and drawing in new investments from British billionaire hedge fund manager Alan Howard and REDO Ventures, the company is now valued at $4.1 billion. That’s three times its last valuation at $1.2 billion for its $170 million raise in March of this year. Bitpanda has now raised close to $500 million through various private financing rounds, counting three-time backer Valar Ventures alongside repeat investors that include LeadBlock Partners and Jump Capital. Since 2014, the company’s offerings have centered on cryptocurrency and precious metals brokerage. The platform is currently trialing a stock trading service that woul

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