The Token Taxonomy Act of 2021: Preemption of inconsistent state laws

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A deep analysis of the proposed definition of digital token, which is likely to be far simpler than the Howey Test.
In these hyper-partisan times, any bill that includes sponsors from both sides of the aisle is noteworthy. There is one pending now that is particularly important in the crypto space. On March 8, 2021, H.R. 1628, the Token Taxonomy Act of 2021, was introduced by representative Warren Davidson. It was co-sponsored by representatives Ted Budd, Darren Soto, Scott Perry and Josh Gottheimer.Terms of the Token Taxonomy Act of 2021Among other provisions, the bill would exempt “digital tokens” from the definition of security, and it would also preempt inconsistent state regulation. Crypto assets would need to meet certain specified requirements in order to count as “digital tokens” under this act:First, the interest must be created either in response to the verification of proposed transactions, or pursuant to

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