The Sandbox partners with World of Women to drive female education and mentorship

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Together they are launching the WoW Foundation and additional educational initiatives, as announced on International Women’s Day.
The Sandbox metaverse announced its partnership with NFT community World of Women, or WoW, to launch the WoW Foundation. A $25 million grant from The Sandbox will help fund the foundation over the next five years. The mission of the WoW foundation is to amplify female representation in the NFT and metaverse spaces.  As a collection of “diverse and powerful” women sold on the Ethereum blockchain, World of Women shared with Cointelegraph that they aim to lower the barrier to entry for women in Web3.”Our mission is to highlight and lift up as many female and underserved creators as possible, making the metaverse not just a landscape designed by men but rather one enriched with as much diversity of thought as possible.”This mission has four main pillars: uplift the ecosystem by supporting artists

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