The remaining steps to mainstream institutional investment

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The crypto space suffers from its checkered history and, to grow further, the ecosystem must become safer, more usable and more mature.
It has been said that you only get one chance to make a first impression. Perhaps the best example of this old adage is the cryptocurrency space. From exit scams and money laundering, to unaudited code and high carbon footprints, the crypto landscape has spent the better part of the past decade scrubbing itself of its infamous past. For many, the sanitizing of the decentralized ecosystem was inevitable — simply a matter of when, not if. This mindset hindered the sense of urgency that should have been on display and may have ultimately contributed to the skepticism exhibited by mainstream institutional investors.Today, however, the decentralized economy has grown into something much larger. Even in the face of market volatility, the culmination of decentralized finance, the nonfungible tok

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