The NFT sector is projected to move around $800 billion over next 2 years: Report

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More than 50% of respondents highlighted that they have a HODL mentality and see a future where non-fungible tokens could be important items in games.
Although NFTs have been a part of the cryptocurrency market since 2014, interest and adoption ha risen rapidly over the last two years. At their height in August 2021, the total trading volume of NFTs rose to over $5 billion, kickstarting what briefly came be to known as “NFT Summer”.According to a report by Coingecko, the NFT market is now expected to move more than $800 billion in the coming two years. The report, which mostly utilized investors from Asia and the Pacific, highlighted that of 871 respondents, around 72% of them already own NFT(s), with more than 50% of them declaring that they had 5 or more.As for investors, the report indicated a balance between the generations, suggesting 43.6% of NFT investors surveyed were between 18-30 years old and 45.2% are betwee

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