The challenges with designing a CBDC, explained

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Central bank digital currencies face a tricky trilemma when it comes to ensuring they are well designed. What’s the answer?
How can this CBDC design trilemma be overcome?An identity-based, meta-blockchain can achieve all three design goals of identity, privacy and programmability.While blockchain systems can be structurally decentralized, the operation itself can be very much centralized and sequential.The problem lies in how transactions cannot be processed in parallel — and multiple smart contracts cannot be operated simultaneously.A meta-blockchain that can operate smart contracts in parallel could be the answer here, as it can ensure that a user’s information is kept secret at all times.SovereignWallet Network (SWN) Global believes it has found the solution for tackling the issues that CBDCs face, and aims to deliver self-sovereign financial services to millions of people.The fourth-generation network inherits all

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