The 5 most popular crypto and blockchain research papers

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies are on the lips of anyone who is speculating and predicting what will happen in the future of finance. Bitcoin showed the world that the currency is here to stay.

Ever since it reached unheard-of levels, crashed and rebuilt its strength, researchers the world over are pouring research grants and resources into studying this new phenomenon. For many people, the wonder that is blockchain technology is still very cryptic. They do not understand the fundamentals of it and feel intimidated by the unknown aspects of it.

To shed some light on the subject, here are 5 of the most popular crypto and blockchain research papers.

Crypto thesis for 2020

The Crypto thesis for 2020 is the follow-up thesis for the popular Crypt thesis for 2018 which was highly praised for its insights into the 2017 bubble and eventual crash of Bitcoin. This year’s thesis takes a look at the top ten people to watch out for in 2020 and also the most promising coins to invest in.

The paper further goes on to dissect the trends of the major cryptocurrencies and where the stability lies in the near future. Finally, the thesis ends with recommended reading to get the most insight into the next decade of cryptocurrencies. A perfect start for any student busy writing a strong dissertation on crypto.

Research paper on The marketing strategy of the cryptocurrencies

For all the people who are not acquainted with all the technical jargon that revolves around cryptocurrencies, this is a must-read thesis. The paper was written by Rafi S. Asgard, a student from Azerbaijan State University. The paper explores and attempts to clarify the basic thinking or strategy of cryptocurrencies.

In essence, it breaks down what they are perceived as and what they are in reality. The paper is divided into two sections, namely, Theoretical analysis of the problem. Cryptocurrencies and their marketing strategy and Methodology and the results of empirical research. Blockchain technology.

Writing such a paper is an easy task if you have the right guidance. As a student, there really can’t be a better topic for you to impress your teachers. When you need a high-quality research paper writing help to help you in the education process, eduBirdie is the perfect recommendation. The professional writers are from various study backgrounds and true geniuses in the subjects that they handle.

The Blockchain: Opportunities for Research in Information Systems and Information Technology

As the title suggests, this paper focuses on blockchain technologies and the possibilities of its application in terms of digital ownership. In the introduction, the researcher begins by stating that blockchain technology is one of the biggest technological innovations in recent years.

Many believe that blockchain is a disruptive technology that will change economies and businesses forever. It goes on to explore the sectors that blockchain technology could impact.

The writer concludes the paper by stating the current state of research on the technology and reiterates the fact that there are still many variables to explore and poses a big question mark over how big of an impact blockchain will eventually have.

The Evolution of Blockchain: A Bibliometric Study

Blockchain hit the road running and the research community is playing catch-up ever since. As the popularity and influence of blockchain grew, so did the amount of research that was being done. The problem was that no one took the time to analyze the current body of knowledge in detail.

Although there have been some papers on the latest accomplishments and challenges of blockchain, an in-depth bibliometric study was needed. This paper is meant for those who want to conduct further research in the field.

Cryptocurrencies: market analysis and perspectives

This is another paper that focuses on the current body of knowledge, but this time on the phenomenon of cryptocurrencies. It discusses the main trends in cryptocurrency research and highlights some of the key pieces of literature that have been added to the current literature. The article focuses on socio-economic, misconduct and sustainability issues and posits a market regulation to improve social welfare.  


As the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies are developing, college and education institutions are looking to invest more time and resources in the research of the technologies. Although there is already a substantial body of knowledge, the development and implications of the tech make it a rapidly evolving field in need of constant research.

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