Swiss central bank tests wholesale CBDC with commercial partners

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The Swiss National Bank integrated wholesale CBDC in banking systems with five commercial banks as part of the second phase of Project Helvetia.
Switzerland took another step to clarify the roadmap for integrating central bank digital currencies (CBDC) into the current financial system. The Swiss National Bank (SNB), the country’s central bank, completed the second phase of Project Helvetia with its partners by integrating wholesale CBDC into the existing back-office systems and processes of five banks, namely Citi, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, Hypothekarbank Lenzburg and UBS.The Bank for International Settlements and Swiss financial infrastructure service provider SIX joined as partners of SNB in Project Helvetia Phase II, which took place during the fourth quarter of 2021. Envisioned as a multi-phase investigation on the settlement of tokenized assets in central bank money, Project Helvetia aims to get central banks rea

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