SundaeSwap launches on Cardano but users report failing transactions

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The first DEX on Cardano launched on the mainnet today to allow traders to perform swaps and add liquidity, but network congestion has slowed transactions processing.
Cardano’s first decentralized app (DApp) SundaeSwap has launched but is causing a frustration among users due to congestion, platform errors and failed transactions.Is it just a case of expected teething troubles under an influx of excited users or is there more to it?SundaeSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) and token staking platform. It’s mainnet launch today marks a milestone in the Cardano (ADA) ecosystem by being the first DApp of to utilize its smart contracts. The ADA price climbed 50% over the past week leading up to the launch of SundaeSwap, meaning a successful launch is a high stakes game for Cardano.Trading on the DEX started at 9:45pm UTC on Jan. 20. It took less than two minutes for users on the project’s Discord server to begin complain

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