Stellar blockchain remittance corridor to power Thailand–Europe payments

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The new cross-border remittance corridor will be hosted on the Stellar blockchain and serve around 600 million customers.
Cross-border remittance currently stands as one of crypto’s best use cases that will thrust it into mainstream finance. Running parallel to this trend, a new partnership between Velo Labs and two financial institutions has now resulted in a $17-billion remittance corridor between Europe and Thailand. Using Velo Labs’ blockchain-based financial protocol, local financial institutions Tempo Payments and Bitazza will host the cross-border remittance service, connecting Thailand and 27 European countries. The corridor will be hosted on the Stellar blockchain and will make use of Velo tokens and Velo digital credits for the on-chain transactions. The new corridor will be serviceable for around 600 million customers across the Southeast Asian nations and Europe. The announcement said that all three partner

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