Stablecoin adoption and the future of financial inclusion

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With the proper regulation, stablecoins could potentially fulfill their promise and enable more funds to reach those in greatest need.
Institutional interest in crypto is growing, confirmed by a Goldman Sachs survey, which found that 40% of the company’s high-net-worth clients were already exposed to cryptocurrencies. Stablecoins — which offer a more secure and steady option in the crypto space — have experienced hyper-growth, reaching a $119 billion market cap. The volatility of crypto has attracted more conservative investors to asset-backed stablecoins.Stablecoins are a form of private money. As Christina Segal-Knowles, executive director for financial markets infrastructure at the Bank of England, points out, modern money is a combination of public and private funds, up to 95% of which in developed economies is private. She adds:“If new forms of digital money can be made safe, they could potentially contribute to

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