South Park excoriates NFTs as investments in latest vision of post-COVID-19 future

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“Another 30 seconds in that room and you would have started considering NFTs as a viable investment” was just one of the jokes the show used comparing NFT investments to insanity.
Apparently, it only took a pandemic for the writers behind the animated TV series South Park to offer their take on nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrencies… and it’s not a positive outlook.In its “Post COVID: The Return of COVID” special that aired Thursday, South Park depicted one of the show’s protagonists, Leopold “Butters” Stotch — also known as “Victor Chaos” — locked away in an insane asylum for years after it’s discovered he has a certain power to wreak havoc on the world. That power? Gathering investors to put all their money into NFTs. When he manages to get out of his cell, the result is comical violence, comparisons to drug use and the possible downfall of society:“He escaped once before. In just a fe

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