South Korean banks doubled crypto transaction fee revenue in Q2

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Shinban Bank, K bank and NH Nonghyup Bank reported a total revenue of 16.9 billion won coming out of partnerships with four crypto exchanges.
Three South Korean banks with crypto exchange partnerships have reportedly made $14.71 million in transaction fees in the second quarter of 2021.According to The Korea Herald, Shinban Bank, K bank and NH Nonghyup Bank announced a total revenue of 16.9 billion South Korean won in Q2. The “big four” crypto exchanges in South Korea: Upbit, Bithumb, Coinone and Korbit, partnered with the banks for sourcing users’ real name accounts. Based on the data collected by People Power Party Rep. Yun Chang-hyun, the second quarter performance exceeded the first quarter’s approx $6.8 million (7 billion won) mark, more than doubling transactions despite ongoing market fluctuations. The data shows that K bank’s partnership with Upbit resulted in the biggest share of $10.4 million (12 billion won)

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