Solution to scale Ethereum ‘100X’ is imminent and will get us through until Eth2: Vitalik

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The author of the Ethereum whitepaper, Vitalik Buterin, believes rollups will solve Ethereum’s scaling woes until the introduction of Eth2 sharding.
Ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, believes the network is on the verge of scaling by a factor of 100, predicting the Optimism will release its layer-two solution in the coming weeks.Speaking on the Tim Ferriss podcast, Buterin noted Eth2’s developer are focused on working toward the chain merge with Ethereum, and are confident that layer-two solutions can support the network until sharding is developed. “Rollups are coming very soon,” he said, adding: “we’re fully confident that by the time that we need any more scaling of that, sharding will have already been ready for a long time by then.”Rollups are second-layer solutions that process and store transaction data on a designated sidechain, before bundling batches of transactions together onto Ethereum’s mai

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