Solana DeFi Now Has More Than $2 Billion Flowing Through It

Solana coin gID 4 f8Wh7m

Ethereum competitor Solana’s name roughly translates to sunshine. And, boy, is the blockchain heating up right now.
The Solana network passed $2 billion in total value locked for the first time today, according to stat tracker DeFi Llama. Total value locked, or TVL, refers to how many crypto assets are tied up in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols on the network. 
DeFi protocols make it possible to make a whole range of financial transactions—take out loans, earn interest, swap assets—all while using automated “smart contracts” instead of human intermediaries. Though DeFi originated on Ethereum, where nearly $110 billion is locked into protocols such as Aave, Compound, and Uniswap, it has since spread to other networks, the biggest competitor being Binance Smart Chain ($17 billion in TVL).
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Solana has likewise been making a play to woo DeFi developers and users over from Ethereum, which at times

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