Shopify facing another lawsuit from crypto holders over Ledger data breach

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The e-commerce giant is in the hot seat again for its alleged role in making the hacked Ledger user data available to malicious actors.
Global e-commerce platform Shopify and hardware wallet maker Ledger face a major legal hurdle as a group of Ledger users have filed a class-action lawsuit for its part in failing to prevent a massive data breach in 2020.The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court of Delaware on Apr. 1 and alleges that Shopify “repeatedly and profoundly failed to protect its customers’ identities.”Shopify and its third-party data consultant TaskUs are being held responsible by complainants for leaking personally identifiable information (PII) of Ledger buyers despite marketing promises assuring the full security of the Shopify platform. The plaintiffs claim Shopify and TaskUs were aware of the data breach for over a week before notifying customers. They are asking for the exact type of information l

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