SEC scores a minor victory in legal dispute with Ripple Labs

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“The filing of the Individual Defendants’ Answer is the triggering event. When the Answer is filed, even if before April 8th, the date the Answer is filed starts the two week clock running for the filing of the SEC position on discovery” said lawyer James K. Filan.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commision (SEC) has been granted an extension to submit a discovery schedule relating to individual defendants Brad Garlinghouse (CEO) and Chris Larsen (co-founder) as part of the case against Ripple Labs. The bitter legal dispute has been going since late December 2020, after the SEC alleged that Ripple Labs generated $1.3 billion from an unregistered security offering via its XRP token. The firm denies that XRP is a security and is instead a method for international payments, and has argued that the SEC failed to give Ripple fair notice that its token was a security. While the ruling in favor of the SEC in this instance ma

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