Russia’s central bank to study crypto investment risks

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The Bank of Russia is collecting data from 15 credit firms and payment systems like Visa and Mastercard.
Russia’s central bank has scheduled a risk assessment for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), according to the Bank of Russia’s screening program for the second half of 2021.The examination of the potential risks of cryptocurrency investing will consider “systemic risks linked to cryptocurrency investment by Russian individuals and entities.” As part of the investigation, the Bank of Russia will collect data from 15 credit organizations including major banks like Sberbank, VTB and Tinkoff Bank, payment systems like Visa and Mastercard, and electronic payment providers like Western Union, Qiwi and WebMoney.The Bank of Russia is also looking to release a study on equity investment by non-resident investors by October or November 2021.The Bank of Russia’s assessment of crypto-related risks comes amid growing cri

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