Russian Investors to Pass Exams Before Buying Cryptocurrencies, Draft Law Suggests

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A new Russian law may oblige potential crypto investors to take a test before being allowed to purchase digital assets over a certain limit. The authors are also hoping to regulate cryptocurrency mining and cut access to cheap energy for those who mint coins in their homes.
Bill to Bring ‘Tight Regulation’ to Crypto Industry, Strict Requirements for Investors
Russian lawmakers are working on a law to fill regulatory gaps in the crypto space. The legislation may introduce special exams for non-qualified investors who want to buy cryptocurrencies with a total annual value exceeding 600,000 rubles ($7,700). One of its sponsors, the Deputy Chair of the parliamentary Security and Anti-Corruption Committee Andrey Lugovoy, told the daily Izvestia that the new law is about “tight regulation” of the sector.
The bill is expected to hit the floor of the State Duma during the spring session of the lower house of parliament, the deputy noted. Before that, it will be discussed with relevant

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