Russia grants $200K to build tool for tracing crypto transactions

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A Russian company indirectly backed by Russia’s largest bank will build a crypto tracking platform as part of a $200,000 procurement contract.
Federal authorities in Russia are moving forward with a plan to closely monitor cryptocurrency activity for illicit transactions and deanonymize crypto users’ identities.The Russian Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) has selected a contractor for developing a platform for tracking cryptocurrency activity. According to data from Russia’s state procurement website, the country will allocate 14.7 million rubles ($200,000 USD) from its budget to create a “module for monitoring and analyzing cryptocurrency transactions” using Bitcoin (BTC).According to the official data, the procurement contract was granted to a company referred to as RCO, which is reportedly indirectly backed by the Russian largest bank, Sber, formerly known as Sberbank.Under the contract’s

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