Runes Listing Sparks Exchange Frenzy, But There’s A Catch

Runes Listing Sparks Exchange Frenzy, But There’s A Catch

The recent listing of Runes tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges has triggered a surge of excitement among investors and traders., a notable exchange headquartered in the Cayman Islands, wasted no time and promptly listed three of the earliest Runes tokens on Bitcoin. This move capitalized on the immediate demand following the introduction of the new fungible token standard.
Other major exchanges have also shown keen interest in joining the Runes market. Many have reached out to explore avenues for participating in this rapidly growing ecosystem. Jason, founder of Sora Ventures, in a post on X stressed the importance of adapting business methods to suit the unique characteristics of the Runes community. He suggested measures such as eliminating listing fees, collaborating with market makers driven by call options, and adjusting strategies to align with the predominantly Western nature of the Runes community.
Gate is not the only exchange that will list runes. Several top exchange

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