Romanian central bank approves blockchain firm Elrond to buy Twispay

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Elrond’s main goal is to implement Twispay’s e-money license for issuing stablecoins that can be used in the European Union.
The National Bank of Romania has greenlighted an acquisition in the blockchain industry, authorizing the blockchain startup Elrond to acquire a payment processing platform.Elrond, a blockchain firm focused on distributed applications, received approval to purchase the electronic money institution Capital Financial Services, which acts under the brand Twispay, according to an announcement released on Thursday.Twispay provides an international payment solution supporting multiple fiat currencies and integrating various payment methods. The firm is a principal member of Visa and Mastercard, meaning that it directly participates in issuing cards and is allowed to acquire merchants.The firm is also licensed to provide payment services and to issue electronic money in accordance with the authorization from t

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