Rocket Pool delays launch after vulnerability discovered by rival

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Staking provider Lido was also found to be vulnerable to the bug that has delayed the launch of the Eth2 staking service Rocket Pool.
Eth2 staking provider Rocket Pool has postponed its launch after a possible exploit was identified in the protocol’s code.On Oct. 6, Rocket Pool announced the postponement while the team implements a fix for the bug. Rocket Pool tweeted that “relatively minimal” changes are required to patch the vulnerability and that a new launch date will be announced soon.1/ Yesterday our bug bounty program helped discover an exploit that also affected other staking providers, as a result we are postponing launch to implement a fix.We would like to extend our warmest thanks to @tsudmi for raising the exploit.— Rocket Pool (@Rocket_Pool) October 5, 2021

Rocket Pool was alerted to the vulnerability by Dmitri Tsumak, the founder of rival staking provider StakeWise.. After Rocket Pool confirmed the bu

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