Robinhood targets expanded cryptocurrency trading business

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The retail trading platform plans to increase its workforce while adding more cryptocurrency pairs.
Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev has said the company is working towards increasing its cryptocurrency trading service.In a fireside chat posted on the broker’s YouTube account on Thursday, Tenev discussed plans to upscale its workforce and add more crypto trading pairs. Detailing the ongoing plans, the Robinhood chief remarked:“As much as people are bugging me on that on social media, I’m bugging our crypto team and our software engineers. We’re going to try and get that done as fast as possible. And we’ll see. We might add some new coins along the way.”In addition to increasing its crypto trading catalog, Tenev also touched on the possibility of a Robinhood cryptocurrency wallet. However, Tenev said that the firm was proceeding with caution on that front, insisting that such a feature would need to be tested extensively befor

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