Retirees in El Salvador protest against Bitcoin adoption

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Retirees and veterans in El Salvador are worried that the government would start paying their pensions in Bitcoin instead of the U.S. dollar.
Amid El Salvador preparing to officially enforce the country’s Bitcoin (BTC) law in early September, Salvadorans took to the streets to protest over the adoption of BTC as an official currency.El Salvador’s anti-Bitcoiners have expressed discontent regarding the government’s plans to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, with hundreds of protesters marching through the capital San Salvador last Friday, Euronews TV network reported.The demonstrators — including retirees, veterans, disability pensioners, and workers — voiced their concerns over Bitcoin’s unstable price. The crowd was worried that the government would start paying their pensions in Bitcoin instead of the U.S. dollar.“We know this coin fluctuates drastically. Its value changes from one second to another, and we will

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