‘Privacy-preserving computing is the future,’ says Secret Network’s Guy Zyskind after Quentin Tarantino NFT drop

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In an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph, Zyskind discussed the future of Secret NFTs and exciting developments coming to the Secret Network.
On Nov. 2, award-winning writer and director Quentin Tarantino announced he would auction off seven uncut scenes from Pulp Fiction as nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, built on the Secret Network (SCRT). The digitized assets will include the first uncut scripts of the movie, as well as secrets about the film and its creators.While the NFTs will feature public metadata, acting as a sort of front cover of the underlying digitized asset, only the NFT owner will have access to the never-before-seen content — a unique feature of the Secret Network. Regarding the drop, Tarantino said, “Secret Network and Secret NFTs provide a whole new world of connecting fans and artists and I’m thrilled to be a part of that.”Secret Network is a layer-one protocol, or blockchain improvement infrastruct

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