Price analysis 7/23: BTC, ETH, BNB, ADA, XRP, DOGE, DOT, UNI, BCH, LTC

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Bitcoin and most major altcoins are meeting resistance at higher levels but the bearish sentiment of the last two months seems to be reducing.
Bitcoin’s (BTC) recovery is facing resistance near $32,500, suggesting that the ride higher may not be an easy one. However, a positive sign is that demand for cryptocurrencies remains strong and lower levels continue to attract buyers.A survey of 150 family office clients of Goldman Sachs shows that 15% have already invested in crypto-assets and 45% want to take the plunge. The family offices manage more than $6 trillion in assets, meaning, even a small percentage of inflow from this sector could eventually boost crypto prices.Daily cryptocurrency market performance. Source: Coin360It is not only the wealthy who are investing in cryptocurrencies. A recent survey by Gallup shows that Bitcoin ownership among U.S. investors, with $10,000 or more invested in stocks, bonds, or mutual fu

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