Poly Network hack exposes DeFi flaws, but community comes to the rescue

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The DeFi hacker’s initial intentions remain unclear, but they refused to accept a $500,000 bounty after returning all funds.
Although it seemed crypto hacks were on the decline, just recently, the market bore witness to one of the largest-ever attacks in the young history of decentralized finance (DeFi), wherein an unknown hacker was able to exploit a loophole in cross-chain protocol Poly Network’s digital framework, thereby walking away with a cool $610 million from three separate blockchains.The Poly Network is a collaborative project helmed by Ontology, Neo and Switcheo. It seeks to foster a “heterogeneous interoperability protocol alliance” integrating blockchains into the larger cross-chain ecosystem. Thanks to its infrastructure, the protocol allows users to swap tokens across different blockchains seamlessly.Further elaborating on the development, Poly Network’s core developer team has revealed that the atta

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Źródło: https://cointelegraph.com/news/poly-network-hack-exposes-defi-flaws-but-community-comes-to-the-rescue

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