Phishing Scam Adverts Target Users on Ethereum Blockchain Explorer Etherscan

Phishing Scam Adverts Target Users on Ethereum Blockchain Explorer Etherscan
Several phishing scam advertisements have appeared on the Ethereum blockchain explorer Etherscan. According to reports, this is part of a larger phishing campaign targeting visitors to the popular blockchain explorer, among others.
Earlier today, Twitter user McBiblets made an X post announcing that some ads on Etherscan are connected to wallet drainers. The post includes a URL where the ads point and warns users against clicking the ads.
Phishing Scam Ads on Etherscan, Google, Bing, and Others
Apparently, the Etherscan ads also appear on several other known phishing websites.
The average wallet drainer scam tries to trick users into visiting fake websites and connecting their crypto wallets. Users who fall for the scam end up losing their funds, as the scammer or website can then drain their wallets without authentication.
In a follow-up tweet, McBiblets tagged Scam Sniffer, a Web3 a

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