People in Hong Kong Use The Blockchain To Fight Against Media Censorship

Hong Kong nmu9ax

Blockchain technologies are revolutionizing the world in many ways, including politically, and now, the citizens of Hong Kong who are using it to fight against the centralized power of the chinese government.
People in Hong Kong fighting for a series of social demands —which range from small reivindiactions to major demands like their independence from the Chinese government— are taking advantage of the decentralization features of blockchain to store their memories in the face of an apparent attempt by the Chinese government to erase historical records related to clashes between rebellious citizens and authorities.
Is Hong Kong Trying to Erase History?
On May 3, 2021, Hong Kong public broadcaster RTHK announced its decision to delete all videos and content stored on its servers and social networks like YouTube and Facebook for more than a year. According to a spokesperson for the broadcaster, this controversial move aims to align social media content with the company’s own inter

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