PayPal’s crypto ‘super app’ set to roll out soon

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Dan Schulman said the project was already “code complete” and planned to be fully ramped in the United States in the next several months.
Payment provider company PayPal said its users may not have much longer to wait to have greater crypto functionality through the platform. During PayPal’s Q2 2021 investor update call today, CEO Dan Schulman said the initial version of the company’s super app wallet was “code complete.” The PayPal president said the company planned for the wallet to be fully ramped in the United States in the next several months.The super app wallet will feature high yield savings, early access to direct deposit funds, messaging capability, “additional crypto capabilities,” and more. Schulman said each wallet would be “unique, driven by advanced AI and machine learning capabilities.”PayPal reported that it had more than 400 million active user accounts as of June 30, with $311 billion in t

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