PayPal, Salesforce contribute to TRM Labs’ $14M investment round

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The venture funds of both companies joined Bessemer and others in financing another strategic investment round for TRM Labs.
Blockchain intelligence platform TRM Labs has secured $14 million in Series A funding from venture funds across the crypto and technology sectors, sending a strong signal that major investors are backing digital-asset projects with ever-growing conviction. The venture capital arms of PayPal and Salesforce contributed to the raise, which was led by Bessemer Venture Partners, a VC with 130 IPOs under its belt. The full list of investors includes Initialized Capital, Jump Capital, Operator Partners, Blockchain Capital and executives from Google-parent Alphabet Inc. Ethan Kuzweil, a partner at Bessemer and new TRM board member, explained his firm’s rationale for leading the investment round:“The team at TRM Labs is building an extraordinary company that is going to be critically important in helping

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