Palestine monetary authority mulls digital currency as ‘political signal‘

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Analysts note that the occupied territories’ macroeconomic and political conditions don’t allow for a digital currency to operate as a means of exchange but stress its potential value at a symbolic level.
Palestinian Monetary Authority (PMA) Governor Feras Milhem has revealed that the proto-central bank — which does not issue a domestic currency and operates under highly restrictive political and economic conditions — is exploring the idea of issuing a Palestinian digital currency. Raja Khalidi, director of the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute, told Bloomberg that “the macroeconomic conditions don’t exist to allow a Palestinian currency — digital or otherwise — to exist as a means of exchange.”Khalidi argued, however, that the PMA’s issuance of some form of digital currency may “send a political signal to show apparent appearance of monetary autonomy from Israel.” Khalidi’s view has been ech

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