No, Musk, don’t blame Bitcoin for dirty energy — The problem lies deeper

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Bitcoin is not responsible for dirty energy — people are. But Elon Musk is now responsible for Dogecoin.
Elon Musk is definitely interested in digital currency, but it seems that he doesn’t want to understand it. At least, I worry that he doesn’t have a deep enough understanding of Bitcoin (BTC) and decentralized systems in general.A decentralized system has to be secure, and proof-of-work (PoW) is the solution for Bitcoin to secure its digital asset. The more successful Bitcoin is, the more energy is required for PoW to secure the network. In other words, the reason that Bitcoin uses up so much more electricity than Dogecoin (DOGE), for example, is because BTC is much more secure than DOGE.Related: Experts answer: How does Elon Musk affect crypto space?The irony of Elon MuskFrom a power perspective, BTC uses up more energy in Bitcoin mining. This is due to the fact that Bitcoin is in a leadership position. The irony is

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