NFT sales top $2.5B in first half of 2021

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NFT sales in June alone have eclipsed those for the entire first half of 2020 for the OpenSea marketplace.
Sales of nonfungible tokens (NFTs) have surged to record highs in the first half of 2021.There has been $2.5 billion in NFT sales in the first six months of this year according to DappRadar, a massive increase over the $13.7 million in sales for the same period in 2020.Citing stats from Dune Analytics, Reuters reported that June has been a record month for the OpenSea NFT marketplace with almost $150 million in sales. This is almost a thousand percent higher than the sales figure for all markets over the entire first half of the previous year.NFT buyers and enthusiasts view them as unique digital collectibles with intrinsic value because of their cultural significance. Others simply treat them as investments, speculating on rising prices.According to, which aggregates Ethereum- based NFT transactions,

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