NFT representing incinerated Banksy painting fetches nearly $400k

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A tokenized version of a destroyed Banksy painting sold for nearly $400,000 on NFT marketplace OpenSea.
A non-fungible token, or NFT, depicting an incinerated painting created by renowned British street artist, Banksy, has sold for nearly $400,000.On March 8, the token was sold on NFT marketplace OpenSea for 228.69 Ether — worth roughly $382,000 at the time of writing. The sale followed three days of bidding, with approximately 70 bidders pushing the price up from a starting price of 0.00001 ETH.The NFT of the Banksy piece is now worth 6 figures. Less than four hours remain until the auction ends— Burnt Banksy (@BurntBanksy) March 7, 2021

The NFT was created by “Burnt Banksy,” a group of crypto investors who purchased Banky’s painting “Morons” for roughly $100,000 in February. Morons is a painting satirizing the art industry that depicts a bustling auction for a framed canvas donned wit

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