Nexo and Amber Group executives claim ‘exponential’ growth in crypto institutional investment

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Panelists at the Blockchain Africa Conference 2022 discuss the significant potential of cryptocurrency institutional investment while highlighting the challenges it still faces.
During the 8th edition of the Blockchain Africa Conference 2022, Cointelegraph’s Editor-in-Chief Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr virtually moderated a panel titled “Cryptocurrency Institutional Investment: Increasing Returns and Improving Diversification.” Panelists Kalin Metodiev, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Nexo, and Dimitrios Kavvathas, Chief Strategy Officer at Amber Group, focused on the opportunities that institutional investors perceive in the blockchain and crypto space, both in Africa and globally.Nexo is a crypto borrowing and exchange platform that recently began offering crypto custodial services, products and lending services for institutional investors, in partnership with the crypto wing of Fidelity Investments called Fidelity Digita

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