New Zealand firm launches stablecoin backed by NZD

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“Techemynt felt it was an ideal time to fill the gap in the market and lead the creation of a NZD-based stablecoin,” said Fran Strajnar.
Auckland-based financial service provider Techemynt announced the launch of a stablecoin reportedly backed by the New Zealand dollar.In a statement from Techemynt today, the firm announced it had launched a cryptocurrency backed 1:1 by the New Zealand dollar and deployed on the Ethereum blockchain by Blockchain Labs. Techemynt is a registered financial service provider with the country’s major financial watchdog, the Financial Markets Authority.The firm said it would be offering the $NZD stablecoin directly to any customers who want to purchase more than $100,000 NZD worth — roughly $70,000 USD. Crypto users can also find the token on New Zealand-based crypto exchange Dassetx, with Techemynt saying it aims to integrate the stablecoin with more exchanges in the future.“Between the popu

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