New proposal aims to raise Binance Coin value by burning BSC fees

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The new BEP might decrease the total amount of BNB that validators and delegators obtain from staking.
Amid the ongoing rally of Binance’s native token, Binance Coin (BNB), the developers of Binance Smart Chain (BSC) have proposed more measures to maintain the token’s deflationary model and improve its intrinsic value.According to a new Binance Evolution Protocol, BEP-95, BSC developers are considering introducing a real-time burning mechanism for a portion of gas fees to reduce BNB supply and drive BNB value higher by increasing the demand. According to the BEP, BNB holders will decide how to dispatch the BSC gas reward.Releasing the proposal on Friday, BSC developers noted that the new BEP might decrease the total amount of BNB that validators and delegators obtain from staking. The burning mechanism will be enabled by introducing governable parameters for two system smart contracts for collecting gas fees.Created by B

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