Musician sells rights to deepfake her voice using NFTs

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“Creating work with the voices of others is something to embrace,” said Holly Herndon.
American musician and composer Holly Herndon seems to be capitalizing on the principle of deep-fake technology by allowing fans to use a digital version of herself to create original artwork they can then sell.According to a Thursday announcement from Herndon on Twitter, users who want to make their own deepfakes using the musician’s unique voice and image will have the opportunity to sell their minted creations using nonfungible token, or NFT, marketplace Zora. Herndon said fans can submit their digital copies to be approved by the project’s DAO and would receive 50% of any auction profits.The project said it would initially release three “genesis” Holly+ NFTs along with submissions from the public, which will be minted using a smart contract and auctioned on Zora next month. Users will receive half of any profits, with 40% gi

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